Release the grip of your thinking about money

Would you like to explore your relationship to money? Then read on…‌

  • Is your self-worth linked to the remuneration receive from your work?

  • Are you stuck doing something you don’t want to do because of money?

  • Are your choices overly influenced by the need to make money?

  • Do you suffer from a constant sense of lack - “you don’t have enough”?

  • Do you fear for your existence - “what if you run out of money”?

  • Do you experience recurring conflicts about money?

  • Are you restless or anxious about making your money work for you?

Understanding your relationship with money is the root to re-inventing your life, and to being free.

And this post isn’t about money itself. No! It’s a Quality of Mind article, of course. It’s all about your thinking about money.

And whether you have loads or very little, it’s entirely fascinating to explore how your life is dominated by money thinking in some way. It probably impacts your self-esteem, your relationships, your generosity, your sense of freedom, the work you choose to do, and how you choose to live.

My personal story

In writing this post, I spent some time looking at my own conditioning around money. I grew up in a relatively poor family. We had to watch every penny. We didn’t waste anything. We made our own food. Sometimes we had treats, but they were occasional.

I can see how this played out in the first career I had, which was technology sales. I was striving to ‘make as much money as I could’ so as to not be how my parents were. As part of the company system, selling lots was of course linked to self-esteem. So if I made lots of money for myself and the company, I was good and successful.

Thinking about money also plays out in small ways. I can see how I am around food. I hate to see it wasted, which came from my childhood when we were allowed to waste. Even now, I’ve been known to finish up what is on my son’s plate, or finish something up even when I don’t want it!

I can also see thinking about money playing out when I lose some client work, or when a pandemic comes around and reduces my income. My mind then generates tightness, sometimes fear or anxiousness. And this happens of course even when there is nothing to fear. It’s like the mind is worried that I’ll run out.

Working to have enough

And so it can be that our entire working lives are about striving to ensure we have enough to retire. So I see some people doing jobs they don’t really deeply love, perhaps even for 30-40 years, so they can ‘have enough’ to retire. So they wait until far later in life before they really do what they love to do.

The global stage

And these thoughts and conditioning around money are playing out globally. The entire global system is based on money, driving us to want to be rich, even at the sake of our own enjoyment our own wellbeing and our planet’s wellbeing. How mad is that.

So I believe to transform life on earth (yes it’s that significant!), we each individually need to transform our relationship to money.

  • We need to uncover our beliefs and their roots in our family history.

  • We need to face the money reality that we have (unconsciously) created.

  • We need to dissolve the influence of our old patterns.

We need to get deeply in touch with what is important in life. When we remember how the mind works, we know that happiness and satisfaction doesn’t come from anything outside of us. Happiness doesn’t come from what we have. Pure happiness, pure joy, contentment - they are all part of our natural design, when we’re at peace, being here now, out of the thinking mind, enjoying the richness of this present moment. This one understanding could transform the material and consumerist addiction that we find the world in.

Ultimately I invite you to create a vision for a prosperous happy life, free from the grip of our money thinking.

This article was inspired by the ‘money’ course that I’m going on in September 2023.

CU* Money - a course to explore your thinking about money

It is an 8-week online course to transform your relationship to money, based on the work of Peter Konig. I have no formal relationship with the course or the facilitators. I’m only sharing about it because I’m extremely excited about attending and I was recommended it by a trusted colleague. If it appeals to you, come and join me?


You are a flea in a jar


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