Don't let your life be a trap

Video (0:01:17) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin looks at the trap that many of us fall into, leading your life in a way that is unsustainable.


"Don't let life be a trap. I just spent time with a client, a very successful client, working extremely hard, driving himself and others forward. But he's exhausted, and he's realized that his life in the way he's leading it is unsustainable.

The question I've got for you is, what is the game? What is the game of life?

It's like we grow up in a societal norm that says, "Get into adulthood, work extremely hard, get promoted, make as much money as you can, have as much as you can. And then you'll have made it, and you'll be happy."

But, of course, actually, that's an illusion. It's not he or she that has the most things that wins the game. That isn't the game. It's an illusion that we're all living within. So, my invite to you is not to be part of the trap to an unfulfilled existence. And really look at what is driving you, and what is important that should be driving you."


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