Choose three words - who are you going to be today?

Consciously choosing the words that define who you want to be holds immense value. Sometimes, you may find yourself not fully embodying the qualities you desire, only realising it in retrospect.

For example if you’re introverted or impatient, you may feel disappointed with how you come across after a meeting or important interaction. That's why, before such crucial moments, it's beneficial to deliberately decide who you aspire to be.

Today, could you be deliberate in selecting three words that encapsulate your desired self? These words serve as guiding principles, shaping your behaviour and interactions. They anchor you in a deliberate state of mind, ensuring that you show up authentically and in alignment with your aspirations.

For example, if you’re to stand before the Board for the first time, you might want to choose the words presence, authenticity and boldness to live into

Presence reminds you to be fully engaged and attentive. With a calm and focused demeanour, you then make eye contact, listen intently, and tune into a natural flow state during the meeting.

Authenticity reminds you to be genuine, transparent, and true to yourself. You speak from your heart, how vulnerability when required, sharing personal experiences and insights that connect with the audience. By being authentic, you establish trust and credibility, allowing your message to resonate on a deeper level.

Lastly, you embrace boldness. This word emboldens you to take calculated risks and step outside your comfort zone. You deliver your ideas with conviction, challenging the status quo and offering innovative perspectives.

Choosing these three words, presence, authenticity, and boldness, helps you consciously live into the person you aspire to be in front of the Board. They shape your demeanour, your messages and your delivery, ensuring that you leave a lasting impression.


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