A new decade. Time to shed old thinking.

The journey of being human should be about constantly learning and growing to be a better version of ourselves in every way - being at peace, being our potential, being kinder, more connected; and finding our true path, and discovering who we really are.

At the end of this decade, we have a unique moment to ponder.

So in this holiday period, make time, clear a space. It’s about intentionally stepping away from the distractions and demands of the conventional world, slowing down, stopping all the nonsense that dominates your time and your mind.

Take off the persona, look at and question the thinking that drives you day-in-day-out, question what you’re doing and why. This life passes by so quickly. It’s too easy to be living in a bunch of deep-rooted paradigms that have you do what you do and live the way you do - “I need a big house and a pension, must stay in my role, want security, need to provide for family, need to prove that I’m good enough, must have great holidays”... and as a result, I run fast, work hard, don’t look after myself, get out of shape, have no time... just racing, on the hamster wheel.

So now is the time to stop. Peel back those layers of thought. Question every one of them. Most of the layers are causing you to live a life on auto-pilot, actually without free will even though it looks like you have free will. Most of the racing is because you’re caught in an illusory trap about what truly creates inner peace and fulfilment, and you may only realise when it’s too late.

So during this holiday, get out in nature, live simply, rest well, nourish your mind and body, have space to see and sense the deeper potential in your life. And question all your thinking.

Honour where you've been and what you’ve achieved, but don’t be defined by that. Meet yourself as you actually are without the cloud of the ego. Explore who you really are, and commit to the journey of the person you are called to become.

It’s about awakening, shifting to the next level of consciousness, to developing your connection to your heart and gut, and being guided by them. To following your wisdom, and to loving more unconditionally all people and all things.

It’s time to truly, wholly, unapologetically live your life, free from the constraints of your thinking; and free from the constraints of what others think and what you think others think.

So will you can you get off the hamster wheel even for a short while? Can you take a break from the habits, the addictions that keep you on the wheel? How deeply will you reflect and challenge your self?

If you really want to challenge yourself and transform your life and work, then join our Quality of Mind online course or come on our 3-day Quality of Mind retreat.


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